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[:ja]【ジャズ】『セッション(原題:Whiplash)』【音楽映画最高峰のひとつ】[:en]【Jazz】 “Whiplash” 【one of the best music films】[:]






You do not talk about fight club.





【Reality SF】 “Interstellar” 【3 Universe Works】




このマーベルで出版された作品の映画化プロジェクトが映画『アイアンマン』からマーベル・シネマティック・ユニバースMarvel Cinematic Universe,MCU)という名前で始まりました。このプロジェクトは3つのフェーズに分かれていて、今のところ2018年公開の『アベンジャーズ/インフィニティ・ウォー』という壮大な話に向かって進められています!!つまり!MCUの映画はマーベル作品をたくさん見ないと付いていけない、という弱点があります…しかし!何十もの映画がお互いに影響しあっているので、映画の深みはとてつもないです!!

アメコミ原作映画を引っ張るマーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース!公開予定の作品ラインナップまとめ | ORIVERcinema

マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース – Wikipedia














バットマンの映画です。この 『バットマン・ビギンズ』『ダークナイト』『ダークナイト・ライジング』という三作品からなるダークナイトシリーズは、私の考えでは第二次映画アメコミブームの火付け役ですね!第一次は『スパイダーマン』。







[:en]I think I will write about the movie that I wanted to see in this review. You should see not only Japanese films but also foreign movies! ! Next time is drama version!

“Smelling movies”

Movie version

“Rogue One”

Fan service and mania are often choked.

A melee fight with Stormtrooper is irresistibly cool. I also want to see if the video is dynamic and I love science fiction!

People who have never seen the Star Wars still should see episode 4 alone


“Fantastic Beast”

Harry Potter spin off! The stage is 1930 America (Personal view, because the Empire State Building is half built and because the abstinence law has been issued), the hero is the author of a textbook that Harry will later use.

Various magical animals came out and it is cute! We can also enjoy a lot of actions. There is no problem if you do not watch Harry, but you can enjoy it more if you know it.


『Kimi no Na ha』

There was also SF element and it was interesting normally.


A movie that goes into three fingers in my life though it wrote in articles. There is something that resounds in my mind.

[:ja]【ジャズ】『セッション(原題:Whiplash)』【音楽映画最高峰のひとつ】[:en]【Jazz】 “Whiplash” 【one of the best music films】[:]


“Fight Club”

Do not you know that you do not like movies? A movie entering three fingers in life.

Starring Bravi and Edward Norton. Edward ‘s acting “I” creates fight clubs, fight clubs with Darten who plays Bravi from a little bit. Members are increasing and I think that it is over, and the fight club turns into a terrorist grouping …


Fight Club Rule Part 1

You do not talk about fight club.

You can see it if you are a man! Ask an instinct. What is the true form of human beings.


“Interstellar -” “Odyssey” “Zero Gravity”

I also wrote this in the past articles. You can enjoy it even if you are not accustomed to SF movies.

【Reality SF】 “Interstellar” 【3 Universe Works】

“Marvel series”

The hottest series now in American chef movies! !

For those of you who do not know, there are two big publishers in the american world. It is Shueisha and Kodansha in Japan. In America it is two companies DC comic and marbell. Also, Amekomi is also characterized by quite a lot of collaboration between works that are quite different.

The movie project of this work published in Marvel started from the movie “Iron Man” with the name Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). This project is divided into three phases, and for now it is proceeding towards the magnificent story of “Avengers / Infinity War” published in 2018! ! In other words! There is a weak point that MCU’s movies can not keep in mind unless they see a lot of Marvel works … but! Since dozens of movies are affecting each other, the depth of the movie is incredible! !


“Dark Knight Trilogy”

It is a movie of Batman. The dark knight series consisting of the three titles “Batman · Begins”, “Dark Knight” and “Dark Knight · Rising” is a fire of the second movie Amekomi boom in my opinion! The first is “Spider-Man.”

This work changed prejudice of genre for children with American comic. It makes me think about the contents considerably dark. It was worth it and it was quite appreciated in the movie world, and in the second work we took a wonderful award called Supporting Actor Award.


Is it for kids for comic movies right? I think you are! Please tell after watching this! !

“Star Wars”

This also has quite a lot of work. Star Wars is released from episode 4, Star Wars 4! That’s why I published 5, 6, and released episodes 1 to 3 about ten years later, the seventh last year, Rogue One, the spin-off of this year, was released this year. Simply put, 1, 2 and 3 are past editions. So as to see in order

Episode 4, 5, 6 → Episode 1, 2, 3 → Episode 7 → Rogue One

I think that is good. I can not write about charm here, so I will not mention it this time, but it is better to see this series which is crazy all over the world.
