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【ネタばれあり】『ローグ・ワン STAR WARS』【考察】





【ネタばれあり】『ローグ・ワン STAR WARS』【考察】


あの二人が抱き合いながら光に包まれて死んでいくシーンは、聖書のソドムとゴモラのような神聖で美しく退廃的な印象でとてもお気に入りです。あと敵の長官クレニックがデス・スターを見たとき何を思ったのでしょうね。 結構失態は多かったですが、EP2から始まったデス・スター計画を完成させたのはすごいことですね。彼ももう少し慎重だったら死ななくて済んだかも。

ソドムとゴモラ – Wikipedia


















【写真】映画『ローグ・ワン』のキャスト陣、スター・ウォーズ・セレブレーション2016に集結 | Variety Japan – ヴァラエティ・ジャパン



  1. とりあえずEP4に出てきた腕切られる2人のエイリアンがいましたね(笑)
  2. ジェダに巨大なジェダイ像がありましたね。恐らくEP8でルークがジェダイの源流探しでここにもう一度訪れて、「ここもデス・スターに破壊されたんだ」と言うセリフがあると思います。
  3. ヤヴィン4がまんまEP4でしたね。
  4. 「嫌な予感がする」、このセリフは最後まで言われなかったですが、全てのエピソードに出るというお約束がちゃんとあってよかったです。
  5. C-3POとR2-D2とオビ・ワンがほんの少し出てきました。にやりとした人も多いのでは?(笑)


「May the force be with us」

[:en]Hello! This is the last article of this year.

I went to Rogue One the second time yesterday.

This time with spoilers, I will write the good points of personal rogue one in bullets.


【Story spoilers】 “Rogue One STAR WARS” 【Discussion】

The Last Scene Part 1

The scene where those two embrace each other and dies in the light is a sacred and beautiful decadent impression like the Bible Sodom and Gomorrae and I like it very much. And what did you think when the enemy’s Secretary Clénic saw the Death Star? There were quite a few losses, but it was amazing to have completed the Death Star plan that began with EP 2. He might not have died if he was too careful.

ソドムとゴモラ – Wikipedia

Did anyone in Jin receive it? , Or the dialogue that Captain Ando you said is also pleased with his father was also good. Reir receives, hope to Luke, and peace will come. It was a work that the baton touch appeared dramatically.

The Last Scene Part 2

Darth Vader. Cool. A little while ago your heart is an insurgent, but I will support him as soon as Darth Vader comes out (laugh) Wonder (lol)

Light Saver and Force were not at all, but they will come out at the last. The audience is noticing for the first time here, is not it? Oh, I have seen this scene. After this is EP 4! When. Hold on that feeling and talk progress! ! ! I was impressed by Darth Vader Musou! ! ! ! ! ! ! The appearance of Leia! ! ! ! ! And familiar music from Warp! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



It was a wonderful video effect. For example, Jeda destruction scene. Because the planet rotates on its own axis, the fragments that struck along its rotation are distorted. It was very real. That scene was also beautiful.

Also dogfight at Skarim can get a cup of meal for just that cockpit scene.

Did you know that Governor Takin and Princess Leia were almost CG? I did not feel any discomfort.

The advent of Darth Vader was also good. What appears from the light seems to imply that it fell to the dark side though it was on the light side until EP 3, it was a religious feeling. The silhouette is also the best.



I love melee fighting. The troopers are always flying in a light saver, but this time I was numb with solidarity with marine solidarity. Especially the arrival of the Black Trooper’s Scarif by the airship boat is unbearable. It was a masterpiece with the future war in the modern tactics.

Also the movements of the invisible Chia Muts were crisp and like Jedi. The shock of the blaster was also impressed by the vibrations transmitted by Tachikawa’s explosive screening! !

I think the dog fight in Scalif was also a force of series 1, such as battleship dropping. Hitting a battleship with sub light speed drive (laugh) I was surprised when I first saw it!



Everyone who has plenty of characters has an outlook, and it was a work that should not be lost by anyone. Especially the father and the cleric secretary. Matts Michelsen who is always known for his father role as a villain! ! 007 Casino Royale and Hannibal, recently has also appeared in Dr. Strange. It is sad that Michelsen is performing so humiliated acting over there

The scene that says that there is a design drawing in Skolim at the hologram also seems to cry. Thanks to this work, Moyamoya why the Death Star had such a defect was solved. At the same time I can not stop respecting the gaylen who accomplished it. He is a true hero. After seeing it I borrowed EP 4, but I remembered the gaylen and the depth increased. After all I like EP 4, 5 and 6.

All the clothes were decided! The back of Darth Vader and the appearance scene are all there! ! My favorite clothing is clinic.


【写真】映画『ローグ・ワン』のキャスト陣、スター・ウォーズ・セレブレーション2016に集結 | Variety Japan – ヴァラエティ・ジャパン

Also, although it is a snake feet, there is an accent (for example, behind is a beindon) for how to talk about Jin, after all it was an Englishman after all (laugh) I am glad that I was able to hear it apart.

Small material

  1. There used to be two aliens who cut out arms that appeared in EP 4 for the time being (laugh)
  2. Jeda had a huge Jedi statue. Probably I think that there is a line saying that Luke visited here once again in search of the Jedi origin in EP 8 and said “Here was also destroyed by Death Star.”
  3. Yavin 4 was surprisingly EP 4.
  4. “I have a bad feeling,” this line was not told until the end, but I was glad that there was a promise to be on every episode properly.
  5. C – 3PO, R2 – D2 and Obi – One came out a little. Is there a lot of people who are obsessed? (Lol)

I think that this work is series 1 as a single work. I’d like to expect more in the future. I wonder how many more times to see ~


“May the force be with us”
