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[:ja]こんにちは!今回は海外ドラマ『スーパーナチュラル シーズン10』の記念すべき200話を見たことない人にもわかるようにレビューしようかと思います!

スーパーナチュラル シーズン10 第200話「女子高生の課外活動




































これは怪物の仕業と考え調査し直した結果、なんとカリオペという女神の仕業だったのだ。カリオペー – Wikipedia



退治した後兄弟はミュージカルを見ることにする。ミュージカルではこのドラマのテーマソング「Carry On my Wayword son」が歌われていた。





200話の何が素晴らしいって起承転結の結の部分ですね。上記の動画にもある通り「Carry On my Wayword son」の歌に合わせて今までの軌跡が表現されているんですよ。それを見た兄弟は恐らく昔を思い出していたんですね。







[:en]Hello! This time I would like to review so that even those who have never seen a memorable 200 episode of the overseas drama “Super Natural Season 10” can understand!

Super Natural Season 10 Episode 200 ” School girls extracurricular activities



First of all, it is easy to lengthen the characteristics of overseas dramas no matter what. However, it currently has season 13 until now. American dramas will be discontinued as soon as the audience rating gets worse, so season 13 is too terrible after all.

Because 200 things are still great things, it was wonderful that the producer was also enthralled.

I think that it is good to see because there are so many seasons! It is different!

If you do not get interested by watching the first episode of Season 1, is not it okay with that? When it comes to interesting it means that we have met something that can be enjoyed for a long time!

So I do not want you to eat international dramas ~


Previous knowledge

This drama is a demolition drama devolut to the episode of one episode. Devil, angel, evil spirit, monster Anything

The main character is the following two


Brother: Dean Winchester

· I love women

· Big brother skin

In Season 10, he also tried various brothers and brothers because of “Cain sign” inherited from Cain which appears in the Bible.


Brother: Sam Winchester

· Seriously


In Season 10, I fought because I am worried about my older brother Dean whose personality has changed due to “Cain sign”.


Also, since Super Natural is basically anything, in the world of Super Natural, a book called “Super Natural” has been published, and the story of that book is this drama itself.

Why is such a thing happening, the author of this book is a person named Chuck who came out around season 4. It seems that Chuck seems to be given the role of a prophet from God, and he is setting that he wrote works “Super Natural” without knowing it. He is a prophet, not a prophet. So Chuck is making a novel what has happened instead of writing the previous one.

The popularity of “Super Natural” in Super Natural is subtle, and it seems that there is a cultural presence like that there are rot girls who enjoy the couplings of their brothers. It is interesting that this standing position is the same as Super Natural in the real world, like meta utterances (laugh)

But it is said that these two people are tired mentally in 200 talks.

Let’s take this into account!


The first story of season 1 is from here


200 episode reviews

Let’s go to the review of 200 episodes soon.


Practice of the theater department was held at a girls’ high school

Mary of the theater department’s leader is a bit tyrant. Furthermore, a teacher of an advisor who does not care about this musical goes out

However, the teacher who went out was kidnapped by Kakashi ghost on his way home



Sam and Dean come along to investigate this girls’ high school teacher disappearance incident.

As a result of listening to the theater department, their musicals were a novel “Super Natural”! For them, “super natural” is fiction, so there is no malice but two people get bored

Moreover, there are scenes that this musical has BL jumped in and the two are on the verge of doning

However, although they were two people who thought that this kidnapping case was not a monster’s work, a kidnapping case of members also occurred again



As a result of surveying the idea and thought of the monster, it was the work of the goddess named Calliope. Karyope – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Calliope was a monster that possessed possessions by writers (novelist, screenwriter), and excludes obstacles until the work is released to the world, but kills the person who possessed possession if the work was issued to the world . This time the Calliope was possessed by Mary . Kakashi ghost also was produced by Karyope and was kidnapped because it was an obstacle to Mary



Marie who knew that his life is dangerous was also a hard time to change his tyranny and to hasten in the musical, but brother who managed to get rid of Calliope somehow during the musical’s production. Moreover, the musical was quite popular with customers.

After exterminating, my brother decides to see a musical. In the musical, the theme song “Carry On my Wayword son” of this drama was sung.



When the musical is over, the brothers are told Mary about Ms. Sam and Dean that he imagines. And the brothers departed to the next town …


This time the goddess was the enemy. Zeus and Lucifer also comes out in this drama so I was not surprised too much (laugh)

What is wonderful in the 200 episode is the part of joining in and out. As you can see in the movie above, the trajectory to date is represented according to the song of “Carry On my Wayword son”. The brother who saw it probably remembered the old days.


It is good that Dean also looks serious like this – it is wonderful performance. I also hit my heart. Also, it was good that the brothers talked to Mary at the end and reflected on various troubles and various things.

As you can see, 200 episodes are a culmination of the past. It was a screenplay that reminded viewers and Sam and Dean of old times , metaphorically returning to the origin point and a new start . After all this drama interesting.

If you watch overseas dramas, we recommend Super Natural first.

This story is from the following link



The first story of season 1 is from here
