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【予想】『トランスフォーマー・最後の騎士王(原題:Transformer The Last Knight)』【ユニクロン(Unicron)】

[:ja]こんにちは!今回は2017年夏公開の『トランスフォーマー・最後の騎士王(原題:Transformer The Last Knight)』の予告編などから推測するユニクロン(Unicron)に関する予想を書こうと思います!


『トランスフォーマー・最後の騎士王(原題:Transformer The Last Knight)』



【考察・レビュー】『トランスフォーマー 最後の騎士王 (原題:Transformers: The Last Knight)』【感想】


  1. トランスフォーマーとは金属の宇宙人で、正義の味方オートボットと敵のディセプティコンでいつも戦う
  2. トランスフォーマーは地球の乗り物をスキャンし、日常生活に溶け込んでいる。
  3. 地球人の多くはオートボットもディセプティコンも関係なくトランスフォーマーが嫌い(移民問題に近い)
  4. トランスフォーマーが地球にいる理由は母性セイバートロン星がなくなったから
  5. 前作の最後にオートボットのリーダーであるオプティマスプライムは”創造主”という存在を探しに地球を旅立った










バフォメット – Wikipedia






  1. 創造主と言えばプライマス(後述)やクインテッサ星人の代名詞。クインテッサ星人とはトランスフォーマーを作り出した宇宙人
  2. ガルバトロンの初出は『トランスフォーマー・ザ・ムービー』だから、ガルバトロンの登場自体がユニクロン登場の伏線?
  3. 最後の騎士王の騎士とはプライマスの最初の13人のこと?
  4. 本映画の玩具情報にクインテッサ星人のフィギュアの名前がある





プライマス (ぷらいます)とは【ピクシブ百科事典】





あと原題のThe Last Knightですが、これもしかしたらLast Nightで最後の夜。つまり聖書的な最後の審判のような最悪な事態になって映画は終わると考えています。


【考察・レビュー】『トランスフォーマー 最後の騎士王 (原題:Transformers: The Last Knight)』【感想】

[:en]Hello! This time I will write an estimate about Unicron (inferred from the trailer of “Transformer · Last Knight (Original: Transformer The Last Knight)” published in the summer of 2017!

Well, I do not know whether everyone knows, but Transformers was the original “Fighting! Super Robot Life Transformers” broadcasted since 1984. Production is Toei, and as you can see, there are many coarse parts such as collapse of paintings, but it is cool that the robots deform from the existing vehicles and fight and it was cool and I grabbed the hearts of many children.


【Forecast】 “Transformer · The Last Knight” (Unicron)


Movie review is here

【考察・レビュー】『トランスフォーマー 最後の騎士王 (原題:Transformers: The Last Knight)』【感想】

First of all, prior knowledge of movie transformers

  1. Transformers are metallic aliens, always fighting with justice’s side autobots and enemy decepticons
  2. Transformers scan the Earth’s vehicles and blend into everyday life.
  3. Many Earth people dislike transformers irrespective of Autobots and Decepticons (close to immigration problems)
  4. The reason why Transformers are on Earth is because maternal caber trome stars are gone
  5. At the end of the previous work, the leader of Autobots Optimus Prime left the earth in search of the existence of “Creator”

This is mainly this.

Well, this movie is the first work of the new series , it is the 5th work counted by the number of works, but the most important thing about, the most important thing is that there is not a story, so whichever you start looking from any of the basic okay!

Is not it (laugh)

Well the story diverted. Let’s go to forecasts to think from the trailer.


Optimus prime floating in outer space. It seems to have been such a figure on the way to meet or see the Creator.

I am fighting with Bumblebee who is the right arm of Optimus Prime.

It is probably thought that Bumblebee is fighting to stop Optimus Prime, whose thought has been rewritten by the Creator.


This is Galvatron, the leader of Decepticon. Previously it was called Megatron, but when it died and resurrected it became the name Galbatron.

In this design there is also a design of the devil, and it smells that he was brutal and brutal than before.

バフォメット – Wikipedia

Here’s the problem. There are other images, but this is shown as a representative.

This round, big things made of metal that are appearing in movies. Does not this indicate the emergence of UNIQLON?

Unicron and (Unicron) are the most powerful transformers of the planet size that appeared in “Transformers – The Movie” published in 1986.

Dizzy. Heinous. Good looking. I like the most (laugh)

There are other grounds to think that this one will come out,

  1. Speaking of the Creator, Pyimasu (to be described later) and the queen tessa star synonymous. The Quintessa star and the alien who created the transformer
  2. Since Garvatron’s first appearance is “Transformers · The Movie”, the appearance of Garbatron itself is the hint of Unicron appearance?
  3. The last knight of the knight king is the first thirteen people of Primus?
  4. Toy information of this movie has the name of Quintessa star figure’s figure

is not it.

First of all, Plymouth is a planetary transformer paired with UNICRON where the Sabertron star transforms.

There is a setting in this primary, it is

The ancient Transformers created by Primus is called “the first 13 people”.

What is Primus (plus)? [Picsive encyclopedia]

It is that. Because there are also names of The Fallen who appeared in the second work in this, it is quite possible that Michael Bay of director follows the setting.

Speaking of a knight, the knight of Arthur’s legendary round table. Although the knight of the round table is originally 12 people, I think that the thirteenth is considered as the Fallen and the thirteenth is Christian Judas, it seems that something has been connected.

In other words! Transformers new trilogy and will be the story of UNIQLON VS VS Primus! ! Should ! (Nature)

It is overpowering, but it is over! I hope I can put it together in the future (laugh)

Afterwards The Last Knight is the original title, but this may be Last Night last night. In other words, I believe that the movie will end as a worst situation like the Bible final judgment.

The result is here


【考察・レビュー】『トランスフォーマー 最後の騎士王 (原題:Transformers: The Last Knight)』【感想】
